Korina, a real estate agent in the already crisis-hit Greek market, has voluntarily intervened to make sure that housing is provided to Syrian refugee families. She helped find the necessary means for these people’s living, while she has been supporting them both financially and morally ever since. She hopes and waits for the ordeal of the refugees to come to an end, as was the case with her grandparents, refugees from Pontos, Asia Minor, some hundred years before. She believes that the historic recurrence requires that we stand by our fellow men, “that we benefit and be benefited”.
Creative Team:
Directed by: Dimitris Rorris
Editing by: Dimitris Rorris
Directing/Script consultant: Gerasimos Rigas
Technical consultant: Danae Manousaridi
Director's interview
The central face of my video is Korina, a fellow human being who is not involved professionally or even voluntarily in an organized refugee reception structure, but she is a person who, when her fate crossed with a refugee family, did not overcome with the excuse " It's not my job. ".
Only that I met Corina, filled me with optimism and hope for the fellow person, that there is kindness and generosity hidden in our society.
The selfless approach to the issue of refugees only emotion can fill anyone who still wants to be called human